Saturday, October 23, 2010

If you Wanna Wait then Weigh It

Recently I've recognized that I have a stark intolerance for queues of all types and sizes and as time goes by it has become more pronounced. I despise waiting on public transit, I absolutely detest waiting on company, I hate waiting for my flights to be ready for boarding and it's probably obvious that the worst part about traveling for me is waiting for my luggage (that's why if I can, I travel light so I don't have to check my suitcase)...but worst of all, I abhor the fact that according to what the old ladies say, I must wait on Mr. Right. But why grandma? I am the most impatient person in the world, so impatient that I am impatient to learn how to be patient.

Furthermore, why is patience a virtue? Maybe because not many people prove to be strong enough to withstand the odds that lead you to "give up" on something or someone? Who knows? However, the question most important to ponder on is: are these wise folks correct and must we wait it out; or do we keep our vision 20/20 and jump on the bandwagon when we think what's right in front of our faces is right for us to spend our forever or whenever with? To add to these mind boggling questions, what if the one who is right in front of our faces, the one we think is all we need... what if his eyes are not on us or he is just not ready to commit? What if that person you have your heart set on rejects you?

I'm not done yet with the questions! How long do we wait if we should wait for him (the one we have our hearts set on)? What about the Mr. Right who's the question mark... how long do we wait on him before turning to eharmony or some other social networking site people utilize these days to find partners? Is there a set amount of time to wait? Is there a sign that we must be ready to acknowledge so we'd know if to stay or leave? Damn... why is this relationship thing so complicated? Or is it that we make it complicated? Too many questions? Maybe!

Enough questions, time for some answers. Initially, I think that if there is one question that must be answered among the plethora listed above, I believe it's the "should I wait on the man who I love but does not love me" question. Waiting is not easy, it may be an indication that the love you have for that someone is true since you are willing to put all else aside to focus your emotions and every inch of your being on this one person. If you want to wait, weigh whether your decision is hurting or helping your well being. However, remember that you must love you, care for you, treasure you, all in all put you first! Ultimately, the reason why you would be inclined to wait on a person is because you think it will be beneficial to you in the end. However, waiting can become like a wound that still bears the instrument that punctured the body and that grows worse and hurts more everyday. In this case you might want to reconsider why you are waiting.

Furthermore, some people may be inclined to ask if the amount of time you know a person is a determining factor about whether the feeling is love or infatuation. My answer is NO! You can know someone for two decades and be confident that what you have for that someone is love, but after two decades and a day, because of an epiphany, you realize that whatever the feeling is that you have for your partner is not love. Furthermore you may know someone for months and know in a heart beat that what you feel for that individual is so much deeper than infatuation and like nothing you have ever felt before. After all, if we could measure love, how would we weigh it? As it would seem, like many other emotions we battle to explain... love is just not that simple. So beware of the people who act like they are "love experts"... in fact they are most probably charlatans!

Lastly, ladies and gentlemen, it is important that you recognize that you can find answers within yourself. Weigh the options, weigh the consequences of waiting. Why is it you think this person is the right one for you? Most of all, live your life, love, laugh and have tons of fun because if you don't you might turn yourself into the living dead. If he is the one, if she is the one... even if you leave or wait "it" will happen and that's just the truth!

Speak the truth and accept the truth in love.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Losing my "Virginity"

I can just imagine how fast your heart is beating right now and how focused your eyes are on the monitor. I can just imagine the questions that are flooding your mind and the assumptions that you are being plagued with. Well now my readers, before you start thinking about how brazen or, for others, ludicrous I might be for writing about what you think I'm writing about-- stop and take a deep breath.

Today, I will need you to be calm and ready to explore some plains that your mind may have never ventured to before. Furthermore, the topic I am about to explore will make it necessary for you to clear your mind and as you sit there, most likely in a very nostalgic mood, I urge you to go beyond the surface of my words in this entry; after all, words are never sufficient for me and sometimes a sound or movement better suffices.

Initially, there are some key words that must be examined. First: sex and subsequently, sexual intercourse. Finally, I will state the definition of virginity and words synonymous for this according to Webster. The phenomena we term as sex is defined as the sexual union involving penetration of the vagina by the penis. Furthermore, intercourse is defined as "doings between individuals or groups" and "the act of penetrating the vagina with the penis." Lastly, virginity is explained as "being in an original, unspoiled state. The dictionary follows by stating that virginity is synonymous with words like "innocence, decent and pure."

Combined, we have an interesting conglomeration of words that explain the process of the removal of a specific barrier that one once attained and the process of transitioning from the once "original" to a new opened state; to a new world that makes you no longer innocent or pure. If you know your Bible or Quran well enough, this may remind you of the story of Adam and Eve who became impure when they exposed themselves and partook of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil that they were told to ABSTAIN from. Doesn't it? Can you see where I'm going with this?

Furthermore, consider the act of sex and begin to contemplate about the many reasons why restraining oneself from sexual intercourse is deemed so necessary in our societies. Some may quickly assert to the fact that many of our "modern" societies are founded on moral theories that are directly related to the strong presence of Judeo-Christian and Islamic doctrine that prove to be the foundation upon which they stand. However, besides this somewhat sociological explanation, can we go a little deeper than the surface?

In my exploration of this phenomena, sex is just another mechanism used to control the powerless. Sex is so powerful that if one is able to control someone's sex life, one can certainly control all other components of the individual. Think about it. Now that you've taken some time to contemplate on this, who has manipulated you by controlling your sex life, how do they do it and how does it make you feel? For those who have lost their virginity, does your life (relationships, worldview, opinions) change after you begin having sex? Interesting, isn't it?

To continue, do you recognize some fundamental features of virginity? Firstly, to lose one's virginity means that you must have something to lose in the first place-- there is a transition from one state to the next, it is transitional. Additionally, an extremely interesting fact is how much you gain or do not gain from losing. More explicitly, consider the emotions, exchange of moments, thoughts and energies that are essential features of this process which may consequently lead to many benefits or devastating negatives. Now don't you agree that it seems like it shouldn't necessarily be explained as "losing"? Shouldn't we call it exchanging?

Furthermore, now that we have explored all these concepts, can you see how a closed mind can be equated to an pure, innocent, unpenetrated yet not in the least sense impervious mind? With that said, I must say that this past summer was the most eventful and devirginizing summers of my very short life. However; unlike every other phase of my mental, spiritual and emotional growth, I have gained so much information from these events that I wouldn't have if I had a closed minded approach to viewing each situation. Furthermore, my mind has been enlarged so much that with each PENETRATING idea, thought or action initiated by someone in close relation to me, I have gained so much knowledge; and it is true, knowledge is power.

Additionally, I urge you to recognize that we live in societies controlled by the rich and powerful who are parasites that feed on the people who are what I consider their host. If you are closed minded and unaware of your BODY they will control it. Furthermore, they will control the activity in which has the most power over all the components of your life. Upon recognizing this, decide if this is symbiotic relationship or parasitic and let this determine your mode of REaction.

On another level, take some time to identify who has the most power in your life and how they attained such high status? Is the intercourse mutually beneficial-- is it an exchange of valuable entities across the board or are you a big loser?

Lastly, I hope that this entry will lead you to continue questioning powerful forces, people and phenomena. Furthermore, I hope you truly get the message I have attempted to share. If you think I'm saying that you must go find a male or female and have sexual intercourse or begin to have it now if you have not yet begun, please, re read the entry and think some more...

Speak the truth and accept the truth in love.