Today I have so many thoughts afloat the waters of my mind. For this reason I’ve decided to yield to my pen before my thoughts get the best of me.
Today I pose one of my thoughts in the form of a question. Why does the body of the enriched mind remain impoverished to the point that he is on the verge of death? Furthermore, I also urge you to think on this: why does the body, soul and mind of contemporary man have a high probability of early degeneration when so many philosophers before us have shown us different ways to keep the mind, body and soul alive in a world full of uncertainty?
On the first question I shall now expound further. Why is it that many of these same individuals that have rich thoughts die alone or in asylums, fall into severe depression or become suicidal? It is because the philosopher’s blessing is also his curse.
On a smaller scale, imagine the teacher, writer, interpreter of love; the girl who spends time trying to understand this abstract thing, spending time interpreting different ways it is shown, the one who preaches about discerning the mates worth holding on to from those who are not worth anything. You turn to this girl for answers, for counsel and at the end you walk away reassured that she KNOWS.
But in fact when life requires that the teacher knows, that she solves a tricky equation that she is supposed to know… she does not seem to know. Why is the teacher in the dark in the world that she herself has brought light to? You may say that the teacher is human and for that reason uncertainty is common and explainable. However, the reason why she is supposed to know is for that very same reason; it is because she is human like you and therefore she has acquired the skills and knowledge to teach.
This brings us back to the curse! It is her knowing that is her curse! It is the ideology that she must always see beneath the surface, interpret that... beneath the surface; it is because she has trained herself to see not only with her eyes but with her ears, hands and heart that brings her to her falling. Furthermore, the idea that there is always something to figure out that will keep her body cold at night and her house lonely and no where close to becoming a home.
The teacher has fallen into the snares of choosing between one school over another; deontology or consequentialism? She has lost herself in her questions and in her fight to find one answer. She is wrapped in defending theory and preaching theory so much that she has forgotten that in practice there will be anomalies and sometimes her theory is not the best choice.
“Should I leave or should I stay? Is he worth the time? Is he interested? Why do I feel how I feel at this point that I am feeling it?” asks the so called teacher to herself.
Will this be the end of her? Will this point only be the beginning of her degeneration? Will she go crazy like Rousseau or Mill? Well I say there is a way out of this hole for her! A good end will only come if she makes her philosophy open to change. Her happy ending will depend on how well she is able to face practice—for the theories are there but what good is it if you know the truth, preach it but not live it especially when anomaly comes? She must arise then and find a new approach instead of sinking in traditional values.
I implore you now whoever you are, friend, lover or student of a philosopher or teacher... to understand his or her weakness and that you ward off the thoughts that he or she is a hypocrite. After all, what good is it to despise or make a mockery of someone’s weakness when you too are weak? Also, love your teacher, learn and refute, debate and find other approaches to his or her theories and promise that you will at some moment become the teacher. For in that way you will not be like previous generations that never understood the philosophers who walked before they did and suffered in mind, body and soul because of their inability to learn!
Speak the truth and accept the truth in love.
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