Sunday, January 31, 2010

Before Someone Tells You who YOU are.....

Sometimes I sit quietly in my room without the television, the radio, without my ipod and just think. I think about who I am.

Who am I? On the surface one may look at this phenotype and see just that. In a heart beat the on looker-- the person on the outside looking in, may tell me that I am a young black woman. In this world, be it conscious or subconscious as Jean Jaques Rousseau took pride in saying, we care about what people think of us. Rousseau said emphatically in his writings that in the state of nature when man began to interact more with his fellow species and he became more dependent on his fellow man, his modes of thought changed. Consequently, reason was ushered into the complex equation and man began to think more of his image, the way others viewed him and from that point marked one of the greatest accomplishments yet the greatest falls of man.

Indeed, what people see does matter in the world today. We depend on recommendation letters, reports of conduct and even interviews to get us the careers and positions in the working world that we desire. How we look to others does a point.

However, we need to stop and before we think about the person people see as Jem or Judy or Jeanne, we need to ask ourselves "who do I say that I am?" So in the moments where I'm alone and I realize how dependent man has become in this age of globalization, "democratization" and this world filled with ignorant minds, I take time to reflect on who I am, the values I need to uphold, why these values are important.

So, unlike the person that sees me as a young, black woman I take time to say who I am to myself. I am soldier of love, a defender of truth and a discerner of the deceiver, I am strong, I am "unaccepting".....I am....I am....

You see, it's only when you tell yourself these things you can bring these attributes to life in your reality. If we continue to allow people to label us, we will begin to be those labels and what people make of those labels. We must continuously redefine and sometimes obliterate some labels. Remember....ideas shape our reality and words make ideas. Words are therefore powerful tools. If we master the element that shapes reality then we can truly liberate ourselves and it is only then we can see our full potential!

So as Bob Marley says in his song, "emancipate yourselves from mental slavery!!" You have to do this yourself and now you have some tips. So one of these days meditate, sit quietly and ask yourself some questions and don't be afraid to redefine, obliterate or invent!

I am more than my skin colour, texture tone, I am more than my hair its length and texture, I am more than my phenotype. I am more than what people say that I am. Who you say that I am does not have more influence on who I say that I am!

Speak the truth and accept the truth in love.....


  1. A very moving piece. I think that each person arrives at a point in his or her life, where we sit and have to think about what it is we want to be 'known for' or be 'associated with'. However, i caution, that even as we sit down in the midst of complete silence and solitude, our affirmation of who we are, is still influenced by our experiences in life. The choice to be a 'soldier of love' or 'defender of truth', are all inspired by something greater than yourself. Furthermore, our definitions of love and truth, and many other things are influenced by our position in life. Our circumstance and the people we surround ourselves with. Some men feel that abusing their wives mentally or physically is a way to show love. Do we all accept that? Some women accept the abuse they receive from men in its various forms, as a way of accepting the love their men have for them, while the rest of us may recognize that as a weakness, and a dependency problem.
    In essence, our realities either about ourselves or the world we live in, are shaped by things around us. Even though Bob Marley's song asks us to emancipate ourselves of mental slavery, we must first understand who it is that's holding us captive. Most times, its ourselves and our very limited understanding of the power of things around us. So for me, the greater question do I identify the things responsible for my perception of who I am...and how then, do i emancipate myself of those restricting influences.
    With Love,

  2. A A!!! lol - well kudos to both comments. Both are very deep, very real and bears evidence to the intelligence in the both of ya'll. Keep it up.

    J, to whom much is given much is expected. Always remember that k hon. love you much.

  3. we need to dig deeper...what influences these experiences? what feeds the minds of men that beat their wives? what feeds our emotions? what empowers the minds of those we surround ourselves with? why do they influence us?? What shapes our reality? we have to be mindful of all these things...beyond the surface

    .....this exercise should go deeper that jus that surface that some venture to. instead.....let every part of you become connect and in that oneness you will realize that you are your greatest obstacle most of the time and this is where the problem starts.....we let things shape us and we blame life and experience and everything but ourselves.

    labels are important and me saying i am a soldier of love a lover of truth..... it goes beyond even taking into consideration the fact that this may mean something completely different to someone else.... rather.... what I THINK OF THIS LABEL…what I think of me shud supercede any other idea of what it means to be a soldier of love or defender of truth! what i make of this title should mean more than what someone else thinks love means or truth means..... and what i think of myself must come first and we can deal with what other people think of it later.

    this world has become an interdependent world and we care too much about what others think....we need to take time to think about how we feel about ourselves, what we need to change and what we mean when we call or woman or lover or a friend....because what we take these things to mean is more important than what others take it to mean.

    Once you know what you mean when you call yourself black or woman or when question some become are emancipated and that is the beginning of a new life....and the initiation of releasing one's purpose....and that there is the point of the exercise.

    asking yourself who you are should not necessarily be an affirmation of love but rather a soul searching session...getting in touch the ideas that shape us....beyond the beating husband who has his own notion of love in mind, or our friends or parents.....this exercise should go deeper that just that surface that some venture to. instead.....let every part of you become connected and in that oneness you will realize that you are your greatest obstacle most of the time and this is where the problem starts.....and in doing this....this is where teh problem can be fixed.

    The malleable realities in which we are submerged into are not built by people or experiences....rather ideas drive these people that lead to experiences understand? something greater than these see the worse person to hold you captive is we need to look beyond the colonizer or maybe the husband or boyfriend...and realize that freedom starts with our way of starts with ideas.... ideas of who we think we are.....
    and on this blog we continually learn that yes things influence our reality and world....however we have the power to take back our minds and thoughts by this way we are rebuilding our realities and the one who shapes it is WELL....US!!

    And that is the goal of the exercise!


  5. "The malleable realities in which we are submerged into are not built by people or experiences....rather ideas drive these people that lead to experiences understand? something greater than these element"

    My exact point...what creates our ideas? Socialization...perhaps...whatever it is, everything is a big circle and we cannot separate our ideas from experience, as the two of them influence each other...

    Despite this, well done...I LOVE THIS BLOG.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. the trick is nto separating ideas from experience but instead recognizing that ideas make experiences and that these externalities influence us too muc and we need to emancipate ourselves from these externalities and start being aware of these elements.

    when we are aware only then we can rebuild rebuild rebuild!!! yourself. rebuilding starts with you!

    and THANKS! hopefully i get more followers who can contribute to the discourse!

  8. If we cannot muster the courage to look within ourselves, God is always there to guide us through the maze.
