Saturday, January 30, 2010

What Shapes our Reality: The Power of a Name

So, I'm new to this blogging thing but I like it already! I love the fact that there is a space that I can share with people who care about what I think (Jemmimah's thoughts, her concerns, her fears, her desires, her morals.... the projections on the walls of her mind). The question is: are you excited? Man, I am so excited to share my thoughts with all of you!

Ok... so enough about that and on to the more important stuff. Let's talk about names. The importance of them and maybe, just maybe we can come to a conclusion about a question I continually ask myself: what's in a name and does a name make you or do you grow and flourish into that name?

Initially...we must understand that we live in a world where we are not taught to think twice or three times, but instead to accept everything that our minds are fed. The most bizarre part is that our minds were being tuned into the process of learning to be ignorant from inception. Furthermore, we do not recognize the power of words in our world. It is no surprise that many who have assimilated into this culture of constant acceptance do not think twice about the ideas that have shaped their reality... they know not the true importance of a name.

We assimilated accepting people of the world fail to realize that ideas shape our reality and that words make ideas and letters make words the same letters that make names.

With that said...why GDP? Well first off, this blog will focus on every aspect of life from my perspective--every thought that enters my mind... and what name fits more perfectly than my own? Besides being the meaning of my name (gentle dove), Gentle Dove Projections (GDP) embodies just what I hope to accomplish: to reach out to minds that yearn to be fed ideologies that are founded in philosophy. It means that the notions that I wish to project, impart, shed light on will descend like a gentle dove, into the minds of many. In that same graceful manner I hope that it will ignite a fire in each individual symbolizing the power of philosophy, the power of knowledge, the power of questioning! For it is only in questioning that light comes and is shed on the ignorant dark, barren mind. It is only then that one understands!

As we grow in this light, I feel then and only then we can conclude if the name makes the person or the person makes the name. Let's see if GDP will grow to accomplish all its name embodies.

Stay tuned, and remember....

Speak the truth and accept the truth in love...


  1. Jemmimah,

    What can I say? This blog is definitely going to be a huge success. I appreciate the fact that your ideas will be shared with the rest of the world. I have had the opportunity to hear you speak your brilliant mind everyday; and I am so excited that you have finally decided to put hemt down in writing. I look forward to participating on this blog...MUCHO LOVE

  2. Mark...u like the end part....that part with speaking n accepting the truth in love? thats from you sweedy!!! You always tell me that and you know you have some influence!! :p soooo become a follower!

  3. Jemmimah, like Comfort commented, you are gifted with a brilliant mind. It’s a privilege to witness it come into fruition. These words will surely have a tremendous impact on the community at large. Stay strong, be true...stay you.

  4. It's natural for me to be true and stay me....the be strong id have to depend on a being higher than I but Ill try my best know that!!!

    Thanks though....
