Saturday, March 20, 2010

Apartments, Houses and Homes pt 2 (from courting to marriage)

Yes! My expectations changed…again! I wanted a condominium now! Soon I was living in one that I was not paying for and I had all the amenities I needed but I was still unhappy. I wanted something of my own, that I paid for, that made me happy. In the condominium I thought I had a home, but it was not even a house. Instead, this condo was a pretty, flashy apartment that DIDN'T EVEN BELONG TO ME. Yes, I kept moving, I kept learning, and my expectations kept changing.

With every change I was learning something new, something to expect, or not expect. It was not five months into living at the condo that I found my new place that I’m still at. It was all I expected and I needed. My apartment is spacious, I have a walk in closet, kitchen, Jacuzzi and more! I love it and the price is right! I am content. However, I have roommates. Who knows if that one flaw about my new apartment may lead to a different circumstance and new expectations?

Just recently I was thinking about my journey from one apartment to the other. It was in that pensive moment that I realized that this one will have it’s expiration date and soon I will need a house.

You see I learned not to have too many expectations about an apartment and not too little—it’s about what makes me happy in the moment. If the apartment is to be, it will be. Furthermore, if it is something that should have a 2 year lease instead of 1 year, you will know. However, if this place is taking too much out of you, it doesn’t fit you! Let it go!!

Although I sit here, happy in my new place I know I will soon have to move on, yet, I know the time has not come. I’ve realized when it is time to break a lease and when it is necessary to settle for some time through it. However, for now, it’s all about apartments and what suits my life as a young, adventurous student……soon when the time is right the house will come.

Things to Note

On Apartments:

Never expect an apartment to be a house and never expect a house to be a home.

Too many times we expect our little run down apartment to live up to the same expectations we have in our search for a house and home.

Maybe you were taken to that apartment for a reason: probably you were placed in the landlord’s life to help him or her out through a particular situation but that doesn’t mean you should settle.

With that said, you need to be aware of when you should break the lease.

If your apartment is lacking certain necessities and your parents and family advise you that those factors that it is lacking is needed, then listen to them! They’ve probably been apartment searching for a long time, moved on to house searching and most probably built a home—they are wise and they know best!

Listen to the voice within when it tells you it’s time to move on from an apartment to investing your time and money into a house where you will make yourself a home.

On Houses

If you just can’t seem to find what you're looking for and you are not settling till you find the right house; if you’re tired of apartments and you know you’re ready for a house and it’s just not coming,

Try different listings: You may be looking in all the wrong places

If you’re sure you have the right listings and you’re still at your parents' house (square one) maybe you need to stop looking, start praying!

Also, for those who never had an apartment and you’re still living with your parents (at square one) keep in mind that some people need not go through the apartment stage before owning a house!

Please make sure you know if your house is not a home. If you have a house and you keep working hard to make it a home and it doesn’t work, maybe you need to find out why your work is futile. If the work is one sided, maybe you need to allow someone else to live there—let go because not all houses can be homes. Your home will come! Never settle especially if staying with that house is costing you a lot!

On Homes

A home goes beyond walls and windows. As the saying goes: home is where the heart is. A home is more than just what the eyes can see and the inanimate objects that make a house. A home takes sacrifice, love and lots of hard work to build. Furthermore, it takes the dedication of two people, not one.

Having a home is not by chance. If you know your house is not a house but a home, appreciate it! Not everyone will have the joys you have found, so be happy that you were blessed with one.

Speak the truth and accept the truth in love.

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